Saturday, May 12, 2018

We made it safely to Zurich!  We flew through the night last night and landed this morning at about10:00 AM Zurich time.  That’s about 3:00 AM in La Porte.  Mike and I were determined to reorient our body clocks quickly, so we have spent the day getting oriented to our new surroundings.  This evening we hopped the tram into the old city.  It’s remarkable - very old with quaint small streets no bigger than an alley.  Switzerland is known for cheese, so we had fondue for dinner tonight.  Then we took a walk along the river.

Suddenly at 7:00 PM one of the church towers began to strike.  I though it was striking the hour, but it kept going and another church bell tower joined in.  Soon all the church bell towers on either side of the river were ringing and kept ringing for 15 minutes.  It was such a remarkable sound I video taped a little of it (above).  I’m not sure why they were ringing but it was a stunning reminder of the historic presence of the church in this part of the world.

P.S. to the session:  Thank you for the thoughtful celebrative Champaign and chocolate you arranged for Mike and me as we boarded the plane last night.  What a wonderful way to begin the trip!