First, I wanted to tell you, I prayed for the Presbyterians in La Porte yesterday on Pentecost day in a church that was built in the early part of the 4th century - 313 to 329 to be exact. According to Medieval tradition, Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine donated her house to the Trier Bishop Agnitius who converted it into a Bishop’s church, and as soon as the Edict of Tolerance guaranteed religious freedom to the Christians, he began constructing a Cathedral. It was significantly enlarged by Bishop Maximinus (329 - 346) to include four Basilicas and a baptismal font the size of a swimming pool. The footprint of these early church structures was enormous! Today the original Cathedral has been damaged and altered many times as one might imagine. One of the Cathedrals was replaced with a 12th century gothic cathedral right next to the first one. The other two cathedrals and the swimming pool baptismal font are gone. The picture is below. It was an amazing experience to pray for you all in such an ancient church!
You might also be interested to know that the people of Trier yesterday and the people of Luxembourg and France today were on holiday because it was Pentecost yesterday. They take this Holy day seriously. That is, they have serious fun. Everyone had the day off, and yesterday there was a party with music and food outside of Trier Cathedral. They were having a marvelous time even in the pouring rain! So Happy Pentecost to you all!